CADES User Documentation


CADES remains available for use and support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Users may continue reporting issues or requesting help via:

Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES) provides an integrated computing infrastructure to deliver data science solutions and workflows to ORNL personnel. CADES provides dedicated computing resources through our SHPC (Scalable High Performance Computing) Condo allocations and customizable Software as a Service (SaaS) through our CADES Cloud solution. This diverse computing and data ecosystem is bolstered by a CADES support team that employs experts matrixed from different ORNL research directives to provide focused, expert support for a user's scientific computing needs.

This guide contains in-depth informative and how-to guides for the CADES Suite of Services. We also provide documentation for research computing tools to help our users get the most out of our services.

Core CADES Services

Additional Tutorials

CADES Quick Summary (Cheat Sheet in pdf format)

Download CADES Quick Summary Cheat Sheet