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SHPC Condo Slurm Resource Queues

This page describes Slurm resources queues in the CADES SHPC Condo environment. The hardware in each queue, queue access policies, and batch directives required to access each queue are described. If your access group is not listed here, please check the Moab resources queues section.

The following tables below list the technical specifications of each resource queue available in the CADES SHPC Condos. For more information on submitting jobs to a resource queue, view the Execute a Slurm Job page. The SBATCH directives required to submit to each queue are listed in the SBATCH directive section near the bottom of the page.

Open Slurm Condo Queues

Name # Nodes Cores Micro arch. RAM Max Walltime (DD-HH:MM:SS) Local Scratch GPU
testing 2 16 Broadwell 31G 4:00:00 160G N/A
batch 169, 44 32, 36 Haswell, Broadwell 125G 14-00:00:00 250G, 2T N/A
ceb_high_mem 4 40 Cascade Lake 375G 14-00:00:00 1T N/A
skylake 77 36 Skylake 187G 14-00:00:00 2T N/A
high_mem 98 36 Broadwell 250G 14-00:00:00 2T N/A
high_mem_cd 26 36 Skylake 375G 14-00:00:00 2T N/A
high_mem_d 2 32 Haswell 500G 14-00:00:00 2T N/A
gpu 12 32 Haswell 250G 14-00:00:00 250G 2x K80 (GK210)
gpu_p100 8 36 Broadwell 500G 14-00:00:00 2T 2x P100 (GP100)
eere_gpu 5 128 Zen 2 500G 14-00:00:00 2T 2x V100 (GV100)
pss 15 128 Zen 2 500G 14-00:00:00 1.5T N/A
fossil 9 128 Zen 2 500G 14-00:00:00 1.5T N/A
amd_128 8 128 Zen 2 1TB 14-00:00:00 1.8T N/A

Burst Queues

Name Max Walltime (DD-HH:MM:SS) # Nodes Notes
burst 02-00:00:00 543 Generally available queue which contains all nodes except for the testing queue.
estd_burst 14-00:00:00 69 Queue available to estd users which contains eere_gpu and pss, queue nodes.
btsd_burst 14-00:00:00 24 Queue available to btsd users which contains pss queue nodes.

Nodes by Group

Group Nodes
amo eere_gpu:5,
beto eere_gpu:5,
birthright gpu:10, high_mem_cd:26
bsd batch:25, high_mem:12, high_mem_cd:8, gpu:3
ccsd batch:25, high_mem:20, gpu_p100:8
ccsi batch:30
ceb ceb_high_mem:4
chem high_mem_cd:6, amd_128:8
cnms batch:38, high_mem:32
mstd high_mem:2
ntrc high_mem:32, pss:15
nucphys high_mem_d:2
sns batch:50,skylake:5
theory batch:30,skylake:32
qmc skylake:40
fe fossil:9

📝 Note: Jobs run in the burst queue can be preempted at any time.

To set preempted jobs to restart automatically add the following to your batch script:

#SBATCH --requeue 

Queue Access and Policy

Groups which have purchased nodes in a resource queue have priority access to those resources when submitting jobs. Groups which have not purchase resources in a queue can still submit jobs to the queue using the burst directives, but their jobs will be preempted and restarted if a user with priority submits a job that needs the resources. This is why we note that all jobs run in the burst queue can be preempted.

Open Condo Resource queue group access quick reference:

Purchased Queue Resources Can Submit Jobs Job Flags
Yes Yes Preemptor
No Yes Preemptee, Restartable

To submit a job with priority access to your group resources, you need to specify the queue that those resources are in in your job script. The queues that each group has priority access to are listed in the 'Nodes by Group' tables below. You can also determine which queues you have priority access to with the sinfo command.

To submit a job to resources your group does not have priority access to, you need to specify a burst queue. The burst queues allow you to schedule preemptable jobs on any free resources in the cluster. Details on the burst queues are shown in the queues table above.

Node Sharing

Open Condo users do not have exclusive access to their scheduled nodes unless they have requested all of the resources on each node explicitly. In other words, users can share nodes.

Job Priority

  • Small jobs have higher priority than large jobs.
  • A fairshare policy increases priority for users who have not run jobs recently.
  • Jobs gain priority while waiting in the queue at a rate of one point per minute.
  • A maximum of 2 jobs per user gain age based priority in the queue at a time.

Moderate Slurm Condo Queues

Name # Nodes Cores Micro arch. RAM Max Walltime (DD-HH:MM:SS) Local Scratch GPU GPU Details
testing 6 32 Sandy Bridge 62G 4:00:00 1T N/A N/A
ridge 40 128 Zen 2 500G 2T N/A
batch 155 32 Haswell 125G 2-00:00:00 250G N/A N/A
dell_gpu 9, 2 36, 128 Broadwell, Zen 2 250G, 1T 2-00:00:00 N/A 8x K80 (GK210), 2x V100 (GV100) 12G GDDR5 Kepler, 16G HBM2 Volta

Nodes by Group

Group Nodes
nsed batch:155
nset dell_gpu:11
amo ridge:20
beto ridge:20

Queue Access and Policy

  • Groups which have purchased nodes in a resource queue have access to those resources when submitting jobs.
  • The Moderate condo does not have a burst queue.
  • Once a node is scheduled by a user, that user has exclusive access to the node.

Job Priority

  • Large jobs have higher priority than small jobs.
  • A fairshare policy increases priority for users who have not run jobs recently.
  • Jobs gain priority while waiting in the queue at a rate of one point per minute.
  • A maximum of 2 jobs per user gain age based priority in the queue at a time.

NSED Specific:

  • Maximum of 2 running jobs at a time.
  • Jobs with a reservation can be released from this limit to get full use of the reserved nodes.

Resource Queue SBATCH Directives

The SBATCH directives required to submit jobs to each resource queue are listed below organized by group. Each group has two lists of directives:

  • Standard SBATCH directives
    • These directives are used to submit non-burst jobs.
  • Burst SBATCH directives
    • These directives are used to submit burst jobs.

Groups that are still using the Moab/Torque scheduler have their PBS directives listed on the Moab Resource Queues page.

📝 Note: This syntax indicates that you should pick one of the options in brackets. Lines without brackets can be copied without any changes. * [ option_a | option_b | ... ]

All SBATCH Directives by Group:

📝 Note: If you do not see your group listed, please contact the CADES team and include: * Help with SHPC Condo Registration * UCAMS ID or XCAMS ID, contact information, reason for requesting an SHPC Condo allocation, and the name of your directorate and division.

CADES Birthright

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A birthright
#SBATCH -p [gpu|high_mem_cd]

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A birthright
#SBATCH -p burst

Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A amo
#SBATCH -p [eere_gpu|ridge]

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A amo
#SBATCH -p [burst|ridge_burst]

Note: The Ridge queue has been moved from open to moderate

Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A arm
#SBATCH -p testing 

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A arm
#SBATCH -p burst

Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A beto
#SBATCH -p [eere_gpu|ridge]

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A beto
#SBATCH -p [burst|ridge_burst]

Note: The Ridge queue has been moved from open to moderate

Biosciences Division (BSD)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A bsd
#SBATCH -p [batch|high_mem|high_mem_cd|gpu]

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A bsd
#SBATCH -p burst

Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate (CCSD)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A ccsd
#SBATCH -p [batch|high_mem|gpu_p100]

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A ccsd
#SBATCH -p burst

Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A ccsi
#SBATCH -p batch

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A ccsi
#SBATCH -p burst

Collective Electronic Behaviour (CEB)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A ceb
#SBATCH -p ceb_high_mem

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A ceb
#SBATCH -p burst

Chemical Sciences Division (CSD)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A chem
#SBATCH -p high_mem_cd

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A chem
#SBATCH -p burst

Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A cnms
#SBATCH -p [batch|high_mem]

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A cnms
#SBATCH -p burst

Materials Science and Technology Division (MSTD)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A mstd
#SBATCH -p high_mem

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A mstd
#SBATCH -p burst

National Transportation Research Center (NTRC)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A ntrc
#SBATCH -p high_mem

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A ntrc
#SBATCH -p pss

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -p fossil

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A ntrc
#SBATCH -p burst

Nuclear Physics (nucphys)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A nucphys
#SBATCH -p high_mem_d

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A nucphys
#SBATCH -p burst

Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A sns
#SBATCH -p [batch|skylake]

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A sns
#SBATCH -p burst

MSTD First-Principles-Based Materials Theory (MSTD Theory)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A theory
#SBATCH -p [batch|skylake]

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A theory
#SBATCH -p burst

MSTD Quantum Monte Carlo (MSTD QMC)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A qmc
#SBATCH -p skylake

Burst SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A qmc
#SBATCH -p burst

Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate (NSED)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A nsed
#SBATCH -p batch

National Security Emerging Technologies (NSET)

Standard SBATCH directives:

#SBATCH -A nset
#SBATCH -p dell_gpu