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Compiler Toolchains on SHPC Condos

SHPC supports four programming environment (PE) modules to easily switch between compilers. Each programming environment contains the full set of compatible compilers and libraries.
These compilers are: GNU Collection Compiler (GCC), the Intel compiler, The Portland Group (PGI), and the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG).

📝 Note: You cannot use more than one PE-module at the same time. For example, if you are working with GNU and then you decide to work with the Intel compiler, first unload the PE-gnu module and then load PE-intel.

The GNU Compiler Suite

To load the GNU module:

module load PE-gnu

You can check which modules are loaded in your system by typing:

$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) gcc/5.3.0        2) openmpi/1.10.3   3) xalt/0.7.5       4) PE-gnu/1.0

To display information about the module, such as the size, the compiler, or the source from which the module was created, etc., use the following command:

$ module display PE-gnu

module-whatis     PE-gnu defines the environment needed to build

                 applications using GNU compiler suites on this system.
conflict     PE-gnu PE-intel PE-pgi
setenv         PE_NAME GNU
setenv         PE_CC mpicc
setenv         PE_CXX mpic++
setenv         PE_FORTRAN mpif90
prepend-path     PATH /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400_centos7.2_pe2016-08/PE/1.0/noarch/bin
module         load xalt

You can switch between the two versions of PE-gnu v1.0 and PE-gnu v2.0:

$ module switch PE-gnu/1.0 PE-gnu/2.0
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) gcc/5.3.0       2) openmpi/2.1.1   3) PE-gnu/2.0      4) xalt/0.7.5

The Intel Compiler Suite

📝 If you are working with another module, first you need to unload it.

module load PE-intel

You can see what the module provides with the commands module list and module display.

$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) intel/16.0.1     2) openmpi/1.10.3   3) xalt/0.7.5       4) PE-intel/1.0
module display PE-intel

module-whatis     PE-intel defines the environment needed to build

                 applications using Intel compiler suites on this system.
conflict     PE-gnu PE-intel PE-pgi
setenv         PE_NAME INTEL
setenv         PE_CC mpicc
setenv         PE_CXX mpic++
setenv         PE_FORTRAN mpif90
prepend-path     PATH /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400_centos7.2_pe2016-08/PE/1.0/noarch/bin
module         load xalt

The Portland Group Compiler Suite

📝 If you are working with another module, first you need to unload it.

module load PE-pgi

You can see what does the module provides with the commands module list and module display.

$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) pgi/15.7.0       2) openmpi/1.10.3   3) xalt/0.7.5       4) PE-pgi/1.0
$ module display PE-pgi

module-whatis     PE-pgi defines the environment needed to build

                 applications using PGI compiler suites on this system.
conflict     PE-gnu PE-intel PE-pgi
setenv         PE_NAME PGI
setenv         PE_CC mpicc
setenv         PE_CXX mpic++
setenv         PE_FORTRAN mpif90
prepend-path     PATH /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400_centos7.2_pe2016-08/PE/1.0/noarch/bin
module         load xalt

The Numerical Algorithm Group Compiler Suite

📝 If you are working with another module, first you need to unload it.

module load PE-nag

You can see what the module provides with the commands module list and module display.

$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) nag/6.0      2) mpich/3.2    3) xalt/0.7.5   4) PE-nag/1.0
$ module display PE-nag

module-whatis     PE-nag defines the environment needed to build

                 applications using NAG Fortran compiler on this system.
conflict     PE-gnu PE-intel PE-pgi
setenv         PE_NAME NAG
setenv         PE_CC mpicc
setenv         PE_CXX mpic++
setenv         PE_FORTRAN mpif90
prepend-path     PATH /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400_centos7.2_pe2016-08/PE/1.0/noarch/bin
module         load xalt