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Condo Software List

We do our best to keep this file up to date. If you would like to check for additional available software, you may type module avail in the command prompt after logging into CADES Condo.

Here is a brief description of the column names.

  • Package Name is the name of the software package.
  • Versions are the available versions. A combination of Package Name/Version makes the loadable module name.
  • Compile Used is the compiler toolchain used to build the software. The possible values would be a version of Intel, GNU or PGI compiler and occasionally binary as the case may be.
  • GPU enabled indicates of the module supports running over GPU.
  • Category indicates the general domain of the software.
  • Licensed? indicates if the software is licensed of is it free to use.
Package Name Versions
(default in bold)
GPU enabled? Category Licensed?
amber 14 intel16 yes Molecular Dynamics free
amber 16 gnu5.3 yes Molecular Dynamics free
AMS 2018 gnu5.3.0 no Data Compression yes
Anaconda 2 4.3.1 gnu5.3.0 no programming free
Anaconda 2 4.4.0 gnu5.3.0 no programming free
Anaconda 2 5.1.0-pe3 gnu8.1.0 no programming free
Anaconda 3 4.4.0 gnu5.3.0 no programming free
Anaconda 3 5.1.0-pe3 gnu8.1.0 no programming free
ArmForge 18.0 gnu5.3.0 no Debugging yes
ATLAS 3.10.3 gnu5.3.0 no Math free
autoconf 2.69 gnu5.3.0 no build tool free
automake 1.15 gnu5.3.0 no build tool free
bioconda 09-18 intel18 no bio python tools free
bioconda 09-18 gnu8.1.0 no bio python tools free
blas 3.8.0 gnu5.3.0 no Math free
blas 3.8.0 gnu6.3.0 no Math free
blas 3.8.0 gnu8.1.0 no Math free
blas 3.8.0 intel16 no Math free
blas 3.8.0 intel18 no Math free
boost 1.61.0 yes Scientific Prog free
boost 1.64.0 yes Scientific Prog free
boost 1.67.0 yes Scientific Prog free
boost 1.67.0-pe3 gnu5.3.0 yes Scientific Prog free
boost 1.67.0-pe3 gnu6.3.0 yes Scientific Prog free
boost 1.67.0-pe3 gnu8.1.0 yes Scientific Prog free
boost 1.67.0-pe3 intel16 yes Scientific Prog free
boost 1.67.0-pe3 intel18 yes Scientific Prog free
bzip2 1.0.6 gnu6.3.0 no Compression free
bzip2 1.0.6 gnu8.1.0 no Compression free
bzip2 1.0.6 intel18 no Compression free
caffe 1.0-conda gnu8.1.0 yes ML free
cctools 6.2.7 gnu5.3.0 no Workflow free
cdo 1.8.2 gnu5.3.0 no Climate free
cmake 3.5.2 gnu4.8.5 no build tool free
cmake 3.6.1 gnu4.8.5 no build tool free
cmake 3.6.1 gnu5.3.0 no build tool free
cmake 3.8.2 gnu5.3.0 no build tool free
cmake 3.11.0 gnu5.3.0 no build tool free
cmake 3.11.4 gnu4.8.5 no build tool free
cmake 3.11.4 gnu6.3.0 no build tool free
cmake 3.11.4 intel18 no build tool free
cmake 3.12.0 binary no build tool free
conda-forge 09-18 intel18 no Packaging Tool free
cp2k 5.1 gnu5.3.0-plumed yes Chem yes
cp2k 5.1 gnu5.3.0-mpi yes Chem yes
cp2k 5.1 gnu5.3.0 yes Chem yes
cuda 6.5 binary yes Programming free
cuda 7.5 binary yes Programming free
cuda 8.0 binary yes Programming free
cuda 9.0 binary yes Programming free
cuda 9.2 binary yes Programming free
cudnn 7.1.4 binary yes Programming free
curl 7.61.1 gnu8.1.0 no Web free
curl 7.61.1 intel18 no Web free
darshan 3.1.4 gnu5.3.0 no Profiler free
eden clm gnu4.8.5 no Data Analysis yes
eigen3 3.3.7 intel18 yes Chemistry free
EMSOFT 4.0-apr16-18 gnu4.8.5 yes Electronic Microscopy yes
EMSOFT 4.0-apr16-18 gnu5.3.0 yes Electronic Microscopy yes
exodus 5.14 intel18 no Math Licensed?
ferret 7.2 no Oceanography free
fftw 3.3.5 intel18 no Sci Comp free
fftw 3.3.5-gcc-6.3.0 gnu6.3.0 no Sci Comp free
fftw 3.3.5-pe3 gnu8.1.0 no Sci Comp free
gamess 092018 no Chemistry yes
gcc 4.9.4 gnu4.8.5 no Compilers free
gcc 5.3.0 4.8.5 no Compilers free
gcc 6.2.0 gnu4.8.5 no Compilers free
gcc 6.3.0 gnu4.8.5 no Compilers free
gcc 8.1.0 gnu4.8.5 no Compilers free
git 2.11.0 gnu4.8.5 no web free
gnuplot 5.0.6 gnu5.3.0 no graphing free
gromacs 2016.3 intel16 no Chemistry yes
gromacs 2016.3 gnu5.3.0 no Chemistry yes
gromacs 2016.3-AVX2 intel16-AVX2 no Chemistry yes
gromacs 2018.2 gnu5.3.0 no Chemistry yes
gromacs 2018.3-GPU intel16 yes Chemistry yes
gromacs 2019-GPU gnu6.3.0 yes Chemistry yes
gromacs 5.1.2 intel16 no Chemistry yes
gromacs 5.1.2 gnu5.3.0 no Chemistry yes
gtk+ 2.24.31 gnu5.3 no Category free
gtk+ 2.29.7 gnu5.3 no Category free
hdf5 1.8.17 intel16.0.1 library
hdf5 1.8.17 intel17.0.0 library
hdf5 1.8.17 gnu5.3.0 library
hdf5 1.8.17 gnu6.2.0 library
hdf5 1.8.17 nag6.0 library
hdf5 1.8.17 pgi15.7.0 library
hdf5 1.8.21 gnu8.1.0 library
hdf5 1.8.21 intel18.0.0 library
hdf5 1.10.1 gnu8.1.0 library
hdf5 1.10.1 intel18.0.0 library
hdf5 1.10.2 gnu8.1.0 library
hdf5 1.10.2 intel18.0.0 library
hdf5 1.10.3 gnu8.1.0 library
hdf5 1.10.3 intel18.0.0 library
hdf5-parallel 1.8.17 intel16.0.1 library
hdf5-parallel 1.8.17 intel17.0.0 library
hdf5-parallel 1.8.17 gnu5.3.0 library
hdf5-parallel 1.8.17 gnu8.1.0 library
hdf5-parallel 1.8.17 nag6.0 library
hdf5-parallel 1.8.17 pgi15.7.0 library
hdf5-parallel 1.8.21 intel16.0.1 library
hdf5-parallel 1.8.21 intel18.0.0 library
hdf5-parallel 1.8.21 gnu8.1.0 library
hdf5-parallel 1.10.3 intel18.0.0 library
hwloc 2.0.1 gnu5.3.0 library
hwloc 2.0.1 gnu6.3.0 library
hypre 2.11.1 gcc5.3.0 library
hypre 2.11.1 intel16.0.1 library
hypre 2.6.0b intel16.0.1 library
idl 8.6 gnu5.3.0 programming
ilamb 2.1 gnu5.3.0 data tool
ilamb latest gnu5.3.0 data tool
java 1.8.0_131 gnu5.3.0 programming
keras keras/2.0.2-conda gnu5.3.0 python lib
lammps 31Mar17 gnu5.3.0 molecular
lammps 31Mar17-kokkos gnu5.3.0 molecular
lammps 22Aug18 gnu8.1.0 molecular
lammps 22Aug18 intel18.0.0 molecular
lapack 3.7.1 gnu5.3.0 library
lapack 3.8.0 gnu8.1.0 library
libxml2 2.9.9 gnu8.1.0 library
libxml2 2. intel18.0.0 library
magma 1.7.0 gnu4.9.4 library
magma 1.7.0 gnu5.3.0 library
magma 1.7.0 intel16.0.1 library
magma 1.7.0 pgi15.7.0 library
magma 2.4.0 gnu5.3.0 library
matlab R2017a binary Yes programming
matlab R2016a binary Yes programming
metis 5.1.0 gnu5.3.0 partitioning tool
metis 5.1.0 intel16.0.1 partitioning tool
metis 5.1.0 pgi15.7.0 partitioning tool
mesa 17.1.1 gnu8.1.0 graphics tool
mkl 2017 gnu5.3.0 library
mkl 2017 intel17.0.0 library
mkl 2017 pgi15.7.0 library
mpich 3.2 gnu5.3.0 MPI tool
mpich 3.2 nag6.0 MPI tool
namd 2.11 intel16.0.1 biomolecular
namd 2.11 intel16.0.1_cuda7.5 Yes biomolecular
namd 2.12 intel17.0.0 biomolecular
namd 2.12 intel18.0.0 biomolecular
nag 6.0 binary compiler
ncl 6.3.0 binary programming
nco 4.6.4 gnu5.3.0 data tool
nco 4.6.6 gnu5.3.0 data tool
nco 4.6.9 gnu5.3.0 data tool
ncview 2.1.7 gnu5.3.0 visual browser
netcdf gnu5.3.0 data tool
netcdf intel16.0.1 data tool
netcdf intel17.0.0 data tool
netcdf pgi15.7.0 data tool
netcdf 4.6.1 gnu8.1.0 data tool
netcdf 4.6.1 intel18.0.0 data tool
netcdf-hdf5parallel gnu5.3.0 data tool
netcdf-hdf5parallel intel16.0.1 data tool
netcdf-hdf5parallel intel17.0.0 data tool
nextflow 0.27.6 gnu5.3.0 workflow tool
nwchem 6.6 gnu5.1.0 chemistry
nwchem 6.6 gnu5.3.0 chemistry
nwchem 6.6 gnu8.1.0 chemistry
nwchem 6.6 intel16.0.1 chemistry
ooops 1.0 library
openBLAS 0.2.19 gnu5.3.0 library
openBLAS 0.2.19 gnu8.1.0 library
openBLAS 0.2.20 gnu8.1.0 library
openDIEL V3-AM gnu8.1.0 library
openDIEL V3-AM intel18.0.0 library
OpenFOAM 5.0 gnu4.8.5 CDF
OpenFOAM dev gnu5.3.0 CDF
openmpi 1.10.3 gnu4.9.4 library
openmpi 1.10.3 gnu5.3.0 library
openmpi 1.10.3 intel16.0.1 library
openmpi 1.10.3 intel17.0.0 library
openmpi 1.10.3 nag6.0 library
openmpi 1.10.3 pgi15.7.0 library
openmpi 2.0.0 gnu4.9.4 library
openmpi 2.0.0 gnu5.3.0 library
openmpi 2.0.0 gnu6.2.0 library
openmpi 2.0.0 intel16.0.1 library
openmpi 2.0.0 intel17.0.0 library
openmpi 2.0.0 pgi15.7.0 library
openmpi 2.1.1 gnu5.3.0 library
openmpi 2.1.2 intel16.0.0 library
openmpi 2.1.2 intel17.0.1 library
openmpi 2.1.2 intel18.0.1 library
openmpi 2.1.2 gnu5.3.0 library
openmpi 2.1.2 gnu6.3.0 library
openmpi 3.0.0 gnu5.3.0 library
openmpi 3.0.0 gnu6.3.0 library
openmpi 3.0.0 intel16.0.1 library
openmpi 3.0.0 intel17.0.1 library
openmpi 3.1.1 gnu6.3.0 library
openmpi 3.1.1 gnu8.1.0 library
openmpi 3.1.1 intel18.0.0 library
openmpi 3.1.1 pgi15.7.0 library
openmpi 4.0.0 gnu6.3.0 library
openmpi 4.0.0 gnu8.1.0 library
openmpi 4.0.0 intel18.0.0 library
paraview 5.4.0 gnu5.3.0 programming
paraview 5.4.0 intel16.0.1 programming
paraview 5.4.0 intel18.0.0 programming
paraview 5.5.0 binary programming
paraview 5.5.2 binary programming
paraview 5.5.2 intel18.0.0 programming
pegasus 4.8.2 gnu5.3.0 workflow tool
PE-gnu 1.0 gnu5.3.0 program env
PE-gnu 2.0 gnu5.3.0 program env
PE-gnu 3.0 gnu8.1.0 program env
PE-intel 1.0 intel16.0.1 program env
PE-intel 3.0 intel18.0.0 program env
PE-nag 1.0 nag6.0 program env
PE-pgi 1.0 pgi15.7.0 program env
PE-pgi 3.0 pgi15.7.0 program env
phonopy gnu5.3.0 python lib
phonopy intel18.0.0 python lib
phonopy 1.14.2 gnu5.3.0 python lib
phonopy 1.14.2 intel18.0.0 python lib
plumed 2 gnu5.3.0 library
pnetcdf pnetcdf/1.9.0 gnu5.3.0 data tool
postgresql 9.3.5 gnu5.3.0 data tool
python 2.7.12 gnu5.3.0 programming
python 2.7.13 gnu5.3.0 programming
python 2.7.13 gnu8.1.0 programming
python 2.7.13 intel18.0.0 programming
python 3.6.1 gnu5.3.0 programming
python 3.6.3 gnu5.3.0 programming
python 3.6.3 gnu8.1.0 programming
python 3.6.3 intel16.0.1 programming
python 3.6.3 intel18.0.0 programming
python 3.6.6 gnu8.1.0 programming
python 3.6.6 intel18.0.0 programming
protobuf 3.6.1 gnu8.1.0 data tool
QE 5.4 intel16.0.1 no chemistry free
QE 6.0 gnu5.3.0 no chemistry free
QE 6.0 intel16.0.1 no chemistry free
QE 6.1 intel16.0.1 no chemistry free
QE 6.1 intel18.0.0 no chemistry free
QE 6.3 intel18.0.0 no chemistry free
QE 6.3-qmcpack intel18.0.0 no chemistry free
qmcpack 3.6.0 gnu8.1.0 no physics free
qmcpack 3.6.0 intel18.0.0 no physics free
qt 5.6.1 gnu4.8 no GUI library free
qt 5.9.6 intel18.0.0 no GUI library free
qt 5.11.1 gnu8.1.0 no GUI library free
qt 5.11.1 intel18.0.0 no GUI library free
R 3.3.2 gnu4.8.0 no programming free
R 3.3.2 gnu5.3.0 no programming free
R 3.3.2 intel16.0.1 no programming free
R 3.3.2-intel intel18.0.0 no programming free
R 3.5.0 gnu5.3.0 no programming free
R 3.5.0 gnu8.1.0 no programming free
R 3.5.0 intel18.0.0 no programming free
rstudio 1.1.456 gnu5.3.0 no programming yes
rust 1.28 gnu8.1.0 no library free
sassena 1.4.2 gnu5.3.0 no physics free
scalapack 2.0.2 gnu5.3.0 no LA library free
schrodinger 2018-1 gnu5.3.0 no physics free
scorep 4.0 gnu5.3.0 no I/O library free
silo 4.9.1 gnu5.3.0 no I/O library free
silo 4.10.2 gcc5.3.0 no I/O library free
silo 4.10.2 gnu6.2.0 no I/O library free
silo 4.10.2 intel16.0.1 no I/O library free
silo 4.10.2 nag6.0 no I/O library free
silo 4.10.2 gnu6.3.0 no I/O library free
silo 4.10.2 gnu8.1.0 no I/O library free
silo 4.10.2 intel18.0.0 no I/O library free
singularity 3.2.1 gnu8.1.0 no container free
SPEC2006 1.2 gnu5.3.0 no benchmark free
SPEC2006 1.2 gnu6.2.0 no benchmark free
subversion 1.9.4 gnu4.8.5 no version tool free
swift 1.4 gnu5.3.0 no workflow tool free
swig 2.0.12 intel16.0.1 no library free
swig 3.0.12** intel16.0.1 no library free
swig 3.0.12 intel18.0.0 no library free
szip 2.1 gnu5.3.0 no library free
szip 2.1 intel16.0.1 no library free
szip 2.1 pgi5.7.0 no library free
tensorflow 0.11-cpu gnu5.3.0 no ML-DNN free
tensorflow 0.11-cpu-conda gnu5.3.0 no ML-DNN free
tensorflow 0.11-cpu-conda gnu8.1.0 no ML-DNN free
tensorflow 0.11-gpu gnu5.3.0 yes ML-DNN free
tensorflow 1.10-conda-cpu gnu8.1.0 no ML-DNN free
tensorflow 1.10-conda-cpu intel18.0.0 no ML-DNN free
tensorflow 1.10-conda-gpu gnu8.1.0 yes ML-DNN free
tensorflow 1.10-conda-gpu intel18.0.0 yes ML-DNN free
tensorflow 1.12-conda-gpu gnu8.1.0 yes ML-DNN free
tensorflow 1.12-conda-gpu intel18.0.0 yes ML-DNN free
theano 0.9-conda gnu5.3.0 no ML-DNN free
theano 0.9-conda intel16.0.1 no ML-DNN free
theano 0.9-conda pgi15.7.0 no ML-DNN free
trilinos 12.12.1 intel16.0.1 no library free
valgrind 3.13.0 gnu5.3.0 no tool free
valgrind 3.13.0 intel16.0.1 no tool free
valgrind 3.14.0 gnu8.1.0 no tool free
valgrind 3.14.0 intel18.0.0 no tool free
vasp 5.4.4 gnu5.3.0 no physics yes
vimampi v2 gnu5.3.0 no physics free
visit 2.10.3 gnu5.3.0 no visualization free
visit 2.13.1 gnu4.8 no visualization free
visit 2.13.1.inplace gnu5.3.0 no visualization free
visit 2.13.2 gnu8.1.0 no visualization free
visit 2.13.3 binary no visualization free
visit 2.13.3-server binary no visualization free
votca 1.4.1 intel18.0.0 no chemistry free
vmd 1.9.3 gnu5.3.0 no chemistry viz free
vmd 1.9.3 binary no chemistry viz free
wxpython gnu5.3.0 no GUI library free
xalt 0.75 centos7.3 no ENV tool free
xalt 0.76 centos7.3 no ENV tool free
xalt 1.1.2 centos7.3 no ENV tool free
zeromq 4.2.3 gnu8.1.0 no tool free
zlib 1.2.8 gnu5.3.0 no library free
zlib 1.2.8 intel16.0.1 no library free
zlib 1.2.11 gnu5.3.0 no library free
zlib 1.2.11 intel16.0.1 no library free
zlib 1.2.11 gnu6.3.0 no library free
zlib 1.2.11 gnu8.1.0 no library free
zlib 1.2.11 intel18.0.0 no library free

Condo Software clean up plan

Right now there are many old versions of the software in CADES software tree. CADES is planning to clean up some of the old versions and here is the list of the old versions that will be disabled on CADES.

Download CADES Software Clean Up List