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Authoring Guide for CADES

Perhaps you've got some how-to documents tucked away in folders that you'd like to share with the CADES community. Or maybe you've discovered a way of doing things that would benefit other users.

We've assembled here the fundamental authoring guidelines for CADES user documentation.

Document and Content Preferences

  • Documents should be created using the MkDocs in markdown format compatible for rendering static HTML pages with the python-markdown library.
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) uses the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) as a basic style guide.
  • Define the first instance of every acronym in each document. Ensure that the long form is not repeated after it is defined.
  • Buttons and links that the user should "click" should go in code. For example, "Next, click the Manage Rules button."
  • Use ▾ for those "carrot" drop-down menus. Renders: ▾
  • For headings: only use title case for the first three heading levels, #, ##, and ###. The remaining header levels should be sentence case.


The following Python Markdown extensions are enabled for use currently:

Extension Description
admonition Adds rST-style admonitions. rST suggests the following “types”: attention, caution, danger, error, hint, important, note, tip, and warning.
footnotes Syntax for defining footnotes1.
tables Create tables in Markdown.
toc Add a table of contents

Example TOC

An example of table of contents for this page inside of an admonition (note):

Pictures and Images

Screenshots and images cannot be resized using markdown. Therefore, we embed .html that is rendered when we publish the tutorial to the documentation site.

  • Images and screenshots should be stored in a folder ./screenshots/.
  • Files should be named descriptively. For example, use names such as adding-IP-address.png instead of image03.png.
  • To remain consistent with other images in tutorials, please use the following .html code to resize, add a border, and open in a new browser tab when clicked. Note that you'll need to change the file name twice in the following code.
<a target="_new" href="screenshots/ssh_import_pub_key.png">
  <img src="screenshots/ssh_import_pub_key.png" style="border-style:ridge;border-color:#bfbfbf;border-width:1px;width:550px;" />

Other Considerations

  • Have you redacted sensitive information from text and images?
  • Have you removed information that is protected by copyright?
  • Are you using a specific version of your software and have you included in the documentation?

CADES Brand Guide

The CADES brand helps define our resources and team culture. A portion of the guide is provided here to assist you in choosing a color scheme for your media and documentation.

Download CADES Abridged Brand Guide