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Condo User Policy

Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES) provides eligible customers with Open and Moderate Research Condos.

Acceptable Use

Computers, software, and communications systems provided by CADES are to be used for work associated with, and within the scope of, an approved project. The use of CADES resources for personal or non-work-related activities is strictly prohibited. All computers, networks, email, and storage systems are property of the US Government. Any misuse or unauthorized access is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties. CADES systems are provided to users without any warranty. CADES will not be held liable in the event of any system failure or data loss or corruption for any reason, including, but not limited to: negligence, malicious action, accidental loss, software errors, hardware failures, network losses, or inadequate configuration of any computing resource or ancillary system.

User Responsibilities

All CADES users must comply with ORNL security rules and with the following:

  • No moderate/confidential data should be mounted hosted or created on the Open Research Condo. Open science only.
  • DO NOT share your credentials, passwords, private keys, or certificates, with anyone.
  • Treat facility staff with respect and courtesy.
  • Conduct activities with the highest scientific, professional, and ethical standards.
  • Users must not intentionally introduce or use malicious software such as computer viruses, Trojan horses, or worms.
  • Users may not deliberately interfere with other users accessing system resources.
  • Users are accountable for their actions and may be held accountable to applicable administrative or legal sanctions.
  • Users are prohibited from taking unauthorized actions to intentionally modify or delete information or programs.
  • Use CADES resources responsibly, recognizing that both staff and equipment are in high demand.
  • Users must cooperate with cades staff on resource allocation, avoid overloading shared resources, such as the cluster login nodes, and modify workflow as prompted and directed by cades staff.
  • Lead effort to analyze and publish results in a timely manner.
  • Appropriately acknowledge CADES on all publications and presentations containing results from CNMS projects and submit full citations of all publications resulting from research.

Application for Resources

Access to CADES is available to ORNL research and technical staff, by request, through CADES. The request is made through the ORNL XCAMS portal and requires your UCAMS ID. An activation notice will be sent when your resources are ready for use.

Condo Software Policy

The CADES software team will install user-requested software if it is deemed to be beneficial to the user community. Software installation requests will be evaluated based on stability, potential usage, and cost. If a software package is not available in a stable version and/or incompatible with the requested resource, or if a software is requested by only one user and it is unlikely for other users to use this software, the request may be denied. We recommend and encourage users to install such software in their own home directories, we can certainly provide assistance as needed. For licensed and other non-standard software packages, we will evaluate the request on a per-case basis and make a decision on installation.

This policy will ensure a robust software set for the community and help the CADES software team to better manage a complex software infrastructure.

Data Retention

When a project ends and an account is closed out, account access is terminated, and any remaining data are deleted. Users are responsible for moving or saving any data that they would like to keep before their project ends and their access is closed out.

Purge Policy

To keep the Open and Moderate Lustre file system exceptionally performant, files sitting in Lustre that have not been accessed in 90 days may be purged. Please make sure that valuable data is moved off of these systems regularly.

Special Requests and Policy Exemptions

Users can request policy exemptions by using the request forms at or contacting the CADES support team ( Requests are subject to review by the CADES Resource Utilization Council.

Acknowledging CADES

The following acknowledgment should be included in publications and presentations that contain work performed using CADES resources.

This research used resources of the Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725.